Why Those Hard Conversations Matter, a Svalbard Secret and an iPhone Camera Review

When Conversations Change Everything. Plus Svalbard News & iPhone Camera Review

Hi Reader

Before we get into this week's newsletter, a bit of news I've been itching to share.

Andrew and I are putting together something very different for Svalbard 2026. This expedition isn't listed anywhere online yet - not even on Wild Eye's website - so you're one of the lucky people to get a first shot at joining us to this quintessential bucket list destination next year.

We've already got some interested people eyeing the cabins, so if you or a friend want to experience something truly out of this world, check out the exclusive details below by clicking on the image below. Or send me a message!

And while we're talking arctic adventures, I've still got three spots open for this coming September's Svalbard departure which you can check out, or book, by clicking here.

Before we then dive into today's main topic, I've written 7 new blog posts this week. You can find the links towards the bottom of the newsletter so grab a coffee and give them a read when you get a moment. Hoping you find some value and food for thought in these posts.

Now, let's talk get into this week's newsletter and something that's been on my mind lately - the weight of words unsaid and the decisions we keep pushing off.

You know those conversations you've been avoiding?

The ones that keep you up at night?

The ones you know will bring you peace of mind and make your life better?

That's where we're heading today.

The Conversations We Carry
How Unspoken Words Keep Us Stuck

Have you ever felt the weight of an unspoken conversation? That heaviness that sits in your chest, sometimes for weeks, months, or even years? I want to share some thoughts about that weight today – and more importantly, about the extraordinary liberation that comes when we finally set it down.

The Burden of What Remains Unsaid

During the past two weeks, I finally had several conversations I'd been carrying around for a long, long time. You know the ones – those discussions you rehearse in your head while driving, in the shower, or lying awake at 1:32 AM. The ones that make your stomach tighten just thinking about them.

The weight of not having these conversations is almost always heavier than having them or, like I've said before, the magic you're looking for is in the conversations you're avoiding.

The Paradox of Waiting for "More Data"

There's this fascinating concept in decision science called the Stopping Rule Selection (SRS). It describes our tendency to keep gathering information even after we have enough to make a decision. We tell ourselves we need "just a bit more data" before we can move forward. An we do this in order to avoid making an actual decision. You know the feeling, right?

The fact, however, is that the most valuable data often isn't in more research, more thinking, or more analysis.

It's in the actual conversations we're avoiding.

The Exhale Moment

Something magical happens when you finally speak the words you've been holding back. Your body literally exhales. It's as if every cell remembers how to breathe again. I experienced this recently, and despite knowing this would happen (I've seen it countless times with clients), the relief still surprised me.

This isn't just poetic language – it's neuroscience. When we carry around unspoken conversations, our bodies remain in a subtle state of tension. Speaking our truth allows our nervous system to finally stand down from its guard duty. And it feels absolutely amazing.

Breaking the Decision Paralysis

Here's where it gets really interesting. Once you start having these difficult conversations, something shifts in your decision-making ability. It's like turning on the lights in a room where you've been fumbling in the dark. Suddenly, the path forward becomes a whole lot clearer.


Because real data – emotional data, relational data, truth data – comes from engagement, not avoidance. Every conversation you've been avoiding is a piece of your decision-making puzzle that's missing.

The Fear Factor


It's the reason we keep these conversations in our pockets instead of bringing them into the light. Fear of conflict. Fear of rejection. Fear of making things worse. Fear of making things real.

But here's what fear doesn't necessarily tell you. The clarity that comes from having these conversations is worth every moment of discomfort. The peace that follows is worth every butterfly in your stomach.

When I was still doing gymnastics, one of our coaches used a phrase while we were preparing for worlds and talking about the fear associated with getting up on stage to perform. He said "you can't get rid of the butterflies in your stomach so all we're going to focus on is to try and get them all to fly in the sane direction."

So when you feel fear, uncertainty of your nervous about having the conversations that matter, focus on trying to get your butterflies flying in the same direction. If you don't know how, get in touch.

Your Challenge This Week

I want you to identify one conversation you've been carrying around.

Just one.

Maybe it's with:

  • A colleague about your career path
  • A partner about your relationship
  • A friend about a misunderstanding
  • Yourself about a decision you've been postponing

Now, instead of gathering more data, instead of waiting for the perfect moment, I want you to commit to having this conversation within the next seven days.

And then I want you send me a mail and tell me what it felt like to exhale afterwards.

The Decision Clarity Protocol

To help you move forward, here's a simple framework you can use to get the profess started and to use when you next have to have a conversation that you've been carrying around.

  1. Identify the conversation you need to have
  2. Write down what you're actually afraid of (be very specific)
  3. List what decisions are being held hostage by this unspoken conversation
  4. Schedule the conversation – put it in your calendar
  5. Have it, even if your voice shakes
  6. You've got this!

A Personal Note

I won't pretend these conversations are easy because they'r not.

But I can promise you this. The version of you that exists on the other side of these conversations is lighter, clearer, and more capable of making decisions that align with your truth.

I know the butterflies in your stomach aren't flying in formation yet. That's okay. If you'd like help practicing these conversations or finding your way through a decision, get in touch and let's work through the fear and challenges together.

Those conversations you're carrying?

They get lighter when you don't carry them alone.


I've been busy writing about things that actually matter so here's what's new on the blog this last week:

A series on anxiety, depression, loneliness and trauma - because let's face it, we all either deal with these or know someone who does. These posts hopefully cut through the noise and get to what actually helps, whether you're in it or supporting someone who is.

For the men reading this, I've shared two posts about doing the hard stuff and being real about it. Truth is, once you start tackling genuine challenges, you realize half the things holding you back were just in your head.

And then one for the safari and photo guides out there, an open letter about things we really need to talk about but usually don't.

If any of these posts get you thinking or you've got something to add, jump in with a comment or send me a message. I always look forward to hearing from you.

Between Paradise and Purpose: A Letter to Safari Guides

This isn’t just about surviving in the industry – it’s about building a life that can sustain both your passion and your peace.

Shut Up Your Mind: Do Something Actually Hard

Because your life doesn’t have to be as hard as you’re making it. You just need to do something that’s actually hard.

The Real Cost When Men Say "I'm Fine"

Having grace with yourself isn’t weakness – it’s the ultimate power move. The hardest fucking handshake you’ll ever make is with yourself, with who you’re becoming

Understanding Trauma

Trauma isn’t a badge of honor or a term to be thrown around like confetti at a pity party. It’s a profound rewiring of your nervous system, a biological revolution that transforms how your very cells interpret the world.

Understanding Loneliness

When was the last time you felt truly seen, not just viewed? When did someone last witness your unfiltered truth, not just your carefully curated online presence?

Understanding Depression

Depression is so much more than feeling down—it’s a profound shift in how your brain perceives and interacts with the world.

Understanding Anxiety

Your anxiety isn’t a malfunction – it’s a 300,000-year-old survival machine trapped in a TikTok world.

iPhone Image of the Week

I spent a few days at Sabi Sabi and decided that since the focus of the trip wasn't photography, that I'd just use my iPhone, Halide Mark II App and my Moment lenses. Great experience, amazing sightings and once again blown away with what is possible with the camera tech in my iPhone.

Header image: A straight out of camera iPhone image I made this morning as I started my 10km ruck. Gotta love those early morning skies.

If you're keen to check out more if my iPhone images you can check out my iPhone photography IG feed.

You can also then go and check out the new blog post on the Wild Eye website where I did a review of the iPhone 16 Pro Max for travel and nature photography. Click on the image below and let me know what you think of some of the images I've ben able to make with my iPhone!

Whether you've got questions about the Svalbard expedition, want to dig deeper into any of the blog posts, or need a sounding board for those conversations you're carrying around - please feel free to et in touch.

Email works, WhatsApp works, or we can jump on a quick call. Sometimes just talking things through makes all the difference, and that's what this community is about.

I have 26 days left until I fly to Svalbard for my next expedition. Big few weeks of physical and mental training coming up and will share a bit more on that next week. Truly appreciate all the messages of support - you guys are awesome. Thank you!

If this newsletter resonated with you, share it with someone who might be carrying around their own heavy conversations. Sometimes, knowing we're not alone in our struggles is the first step toward facing them.

Have a great week and stay safe.

And as always, don't forget to be awesome.

Mindset & Performance Coach | International Expedition Leader Speaker & Presenter | Photographic Educator | Co founder of Wild Eye

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Fairland, Johannesburg, Gauteng 1732
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Gerry van der Walt

Weekly thoughts from the edge where comfort ends and reality begins. Raw insights on pushing limits, facing fears, and moving forward when everything screams stop. No carefully curated inspiration or polished self-help - just honest truth from someone navigating both physical extremes and human potential. For those battling inner demons, chasing impossible dreams, or simply tired of playing safe. Because transformation isn't about motivation. It's about movement. Into the unknown, where hands shake and doubts whisper, but you keep moving anyway.

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