005 The Question "What's the real price of your comfort zone?" Let's get brutally honest for a minute. Every day you spend 'waiting for the right time' is another day you're choosing mediocrity. And yes, mediocrity is a choice - one you make every time you pick comfortable over courageous. I see it in coaching, in life, in the mirror - we're masters at disguising cowardice as wisdom. So tell me, what's your comfort zone really costing you? Because while you're busy being 'sensible', your...
4 days ago • 1 min read
Reflections on Growth, Resilience, and the Human Experience Hi Reader A random question to start this newsletter. Do you ever catch yourself humming? That unconscious melody that rises from somewhere deep when the world feels too sharp, too real? It's not just noise - it’s your body’s oldest survival language. Ancient code encoded in vibration, your nervous system desperately trying to pull you back from the edge of overwhelm. Science tells us that those quiet vibrations are rewiring your...
10 days ago • 6 min read
004 The Question "What scars are you so afraid of earning?" Growth leaves marks. Achievement costs something. Every meaningful thing I've done - from Arctic expeditions to building businesses - has left its scars. But here's what nobody tells you: the scars you earn from trying are nothing compared to the invisible wounds of never daring. What price are you refusing to pay? What skin are you too afraid to put in the game? Hit reply with your truth. Or keep hiding. Your choice. And don't...
12 days ago • 1 min read
When Balance Isn’t An Answer We all talk about work-life balance. That mythical sweet spot between deadlines and living. But lately, I’ve been getting a feeling that we're trying to balance something we've forgotten how to feel. This week, I share some ideas I’ve been chewing on. It's not just observations from my coaching practice, the office or even the clarity I'm finding while preparing for my Arctic Expedition. It's about what happens in those quiet moments between the noise - when you...
17 days ago • 8 min read
003 The Question "How much longer will you keep betraying yourself?" Harsh? Maybe. But every time you choose comfort over courage, safety over growth, excuses over action - that's self-betrayal. I've done it. My clients have done it. We're all masters at rationalizing our surrender. But here's the thing about betraying yourself: the pain of regret lasts longer than the comfort of playing it safe. When will enough be enough? Hit reply with your truth. Or keep hiding. Your choice. And don't...
18 days ago • 1 min read
Welcome to 2025: Embracing Both Sides Hi Reader, I hope your year has begun with moments that matter. Mine's been filled with a lot tyre drags, heavy lifts, and those precious pockets of silence where the best thinking happens as I'm preparing for the next step in my white whale journey. And yes, for those who've been asking – the newsletter and website finally got updated! While I'm still smoothing a few edges, I'm pretty proud of this space I've been able to create. You can check out my new...
24 days ago • 5 min read
002 The Question "What's the real reason you're staying small?" Let's cut through the noise. That thing you say you want? Those dreams you talk about? If you really wanted them, you'd be burning bridges to get there. Instead, you're building clever explanations for why you can't. I watch people do this dance every day - one step forward, two steps back into the comfortable shadows. What's the payoff you're getting from playing it safe? Because make no mistake - there's always a payoff. Hit...
26 days ago • 1 min read
Drown Out The Noise, Tune Into You Hi Reader, This isn't my first newsletter for the year; that's coming next week. But I have been nice and busy behind the scenes and had this thought I just had to share with you. #SelfAwareness Ready? Brace yourself. How many of your decisions last year were influenced by the expectations of others rather than your own inner truth? When was the last time you truly understood why you felt the way you did? Here’s a hard truth to digest: many of us have become...
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
001 The Question "What lies are you telling yourself at 3am?" You know the ones. Those perfectly crafted excuses that sound so reasonable in the dark. 'I'll start when...' 'It's not the right time because...' Here's the truth your 3am mind doesn't want to hear: there's no such thing as the right time. There's just now, and all the stories you tell yourself about why 'now' isn't good enough. What story is keeping you safely miserable? Hit reply with your truth. Or keep hiding. Your choice. And...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read